Sell The Junk Car

Get Cash For Clunker

The national CARS (Car Allowance Rebate System) program was instituted by the government in an effort to boost the sagging economy while at the same time getting vehicles with low gas mileage standards off the road. It is commonly referred to as the Cash for Clunker program, and though this title is somewhat misleading, many people are interested in how they might take advantage of the CARS program to get into a new car for an affordable rate.

Sell Your Junk Cars

To use CARS, vehicle owners must own an automobile that registers fewer than eighteen miles per gallon of gas. When in doubt, used car owners can look through the exhaustive list of eligible vehicles to see if their make and model is named. If it is, the system will provide a substantial trade-in value to the owner when they purchase a new car with greater fuel efficiency. However, though the name would suggest otherwise, using CARS cannot afford drivers with immediate cash, but only vehicle trade in value.

If a car owner really wants to get cash for his or her clunker, there are several dependable methods to follow. Often, the quickest way to part with a car is to list it on a local database like Craigslist. Local shoppers provide a large base of viewers and there are usually a few shoppers who are willing to buy even the junkiest of cars, as long as they run. The drawback to using a site like Craigslist is its friendliness to bargains. Most buyers on such sites will try to haggle a seller’s asking price, and unless the seller has a firm grasp on what the car he or she is selling is worth, he or she might get a poor value.

If the vehicle is not running, it may be better to post an ad that simply states, “sell clunker for cash: best offer.” Scrap metal dealers will usually buy a car for several hundred dollars, and though that is a last resort for shoppers, when no other options are available, it is a good way to get rid of junk that otherwise collects nothing but rust. Then again, a seller who has time, and does not immediately need money in hand has maybe the best option of all. Only when a car does not run should the owner sell his or her car for parts, but if the vehicle is not in running condition, parting it out may end up being as lucrative as selling it in good condition.

The trick to getting cash for a clunker by parting it is making sure that no dependent parts sell without their component pieces. In other words, the owner should try to sell as many things in groups as possible. Toward the bottom of the pile, when few parts are left that will sell, the rest of the metal can be scrapped. Usually, parting, if the seller has time, is at least a thousand dollars more lucrative (if not more) than simply junking a vehicle. Patience is the key to earning the most cash for a clunker.

Sell Your Junk Cars

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